Online marketing insights

How to expose selling value to your clients

Last updated - July 17 2024 8:35 PM
Nina Suwaj
Reading time - 5 min
Online marketing insights

How to expose selling value to your clients

Last updated - July 17, 2024
author push notification Nina Suwaj
5 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

Writing and advertising your products’ characteristics and amazing features isn’t enough as a copywriter. It’s important to show and describe the benefits a product has for the customers and why they should buy your product. Using the selling value and beneficial language is a crucial element of the art of selling and getting across to your customer.  


In order to really understand your clients, you must know their needs and what problems your product or services can solve for them. The most important things a client looks for in a product are the functionality, positive aspects and how this product can improve their life. The whole purpose of purchasing a product is so that it can benefit you in any way. Just because a product seems excellent from its description, doesn’t mean it adds value to your life. Consumers are getting smarter, and their expectations are getting bigger. While thinking about how to sell your product, keep the potential client’s needs in mind and put yourself into their place. By thinking the way they do, you can try to understand them better and provide solutions to their problems.

A great example of this technique is when Apple introduced the iPod. Other marketers advertised a specific memory capacity in kilobytes, while Steve Jobs promoted the iPod by saying it holds 1000 songs. This shows that customers gravitate towards things that are sure and clear. Not everyone knows what kilobytes are and how much memory they hold, but by saying 1000 songs, it’s clear and appealing. It makes the product sound user-friendly and shows the exact results it gives, not the technical aspects of the product.

The client’s needs should be the top priority, and your product or service must guarantee the results you advertise. Focus only on the pros of your products and highlight the positive values. Try not to write too much about the technical parameters. Think about what they actually mean and what final results they give. If you are offering a computer fixing service, don’t get into the technical meanings of words. Instead, explain the benefits of your services and how they help clients. Tell them what you can do for them. Make sure you emphasise why your product is the best product for their needs.

To find out what your clients demand from product or service and what they'd like to know about them use Answer the Public - it will tell what Internet users are looking for regarding your brand or other keywords. You should also be updated with Google Trends and your social media reports. Listen to your community, so it'll help you notice the most significant aspects that matter to its members.


Using selling value influences, affects, persuades your readers and gets their attention. You must be a bit experienced in order to use this type of language and writing. This technique shows how much impact words have on clients and can convince them to buy your product or service. Although it's essential to use „magic” words, remember not to overdo it. Make sure you support and believe in the words you write and not only think about selling by saying anything it takes.

Here are a few examples of words that are helpful:

  • thanks to this…

  • this guarantees…

  • it will save you…

  • you only need…

  • this will make it easier to….

  • a popular design is…

  • for your comfort

  • this allows you to…

  • our specialists are here to help

  • with your needs in mind

  • you will gain

  • it’s only…

  • it’s better for you to…

  • for your safety


It’s human nature to be ruled by emotion. When writing an article or ad, think about how your product can make someone feel. Describe a situation so it’s relatable to your client and they feel like they can compare their life situations and problems to the solutions of your services. Making a client feel safe with using your product is the best possible outcome. If you're advertising or writing about house alarms, you can mention feelings like fear or worry and show how your product eliminates those unwanted feelings. Consider both the needs and feelings of your clients and show them that you care and have an antidote for them. Use your imagination to impact their imagination.


While writing about a product you don’t need to discuss and explain each and every detail. Talk about the most important and valuable issues. The quicker you get your point across, the higher chances you have of selling and succeeding. Know your target audience and who you are writing for. If you have a younger audience, don’t discuss things or characteristics that would only interest an older audience. When it comes to men and women, there are also many different characteristics of products that they value. In a shampoo, a woman might look for ones that have beautiful floral scents written on them, ones made for colour treated hair or hair growth and volume benefits. Men typically search for simple words like „Shampoo for men”. Customers value their own comfort, physical needs, health and the vision of the product. Make sure you emphasise what is guaranteed to interest your target customer.

Remember the 9C’s!

The top characteristics that make an article valuable are when it’s:

  • clear

  • concrete

  • concise

  • compelling

  • credible

  • conceptual

  • customised

  • consistent

  • conversational

In conclusion, it’s worth using selling value and writing in a way that's focused on your client’s needs. This technique can be a game-changer, but it’s also super important to limit the usage of it. Don’t make content that is pushy, annoying and inconvenient. Use it in moderation, and it will guarantee you many fulfilled customers.

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Nina Suwaj

Content Designer @Brainy Bees

Marketing and new technologies enthusiast. Krakow's University of Science and Technology graduate. Gained her experience in interactive agencies. Loves challenges and adventures, not only at work!

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