How to increase revenue and reach your audience just in a few seconds?
Discover the web push potential derived from
2 770 000 000 sent notifications

Content Marketing Manager @ PushPushGo

Attention spans are shorter than ever, down to an average of about 8 seconds. That puts an average internet user BEHIND goldfish.
Banner blindness and widespread adblockers usage are other problems that became a reason to create a new marketing channel - web push notifications.
Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Slack and others send them, followed by the majority of bloggers, e-commerce owners, marketplaces, banks, telecoms, publishers and other companies for whom the** website is an important point of contact with potential customers**. Yet, there are still few studies that can easily show the market potential of this marketing channel.
We analyzed data of 2 770 000 000 notifications sent in 2018 via PushPushGo platform, so you can decide whether web push is a tool for you.
Inside you will find