Travel industry
E-commerce industry

Turn wishlist into sales

Last updated - July 26, 2024

The wishlist feature isn't just limited to e-commerce; it extends its utility across various industries, including travel. Offering myriad benefits to both customers and businesses, the wishlist allows users to save and track items they're interested in purchasing, even if they're not ready to buy immediately.

wishlist in travel

Airbnb wishlist

For savvy customers, the Wishlist serves as a strategic shopping companion. They can patiently wait for sales and discounts, ensuring they get the best deals on their favorite products. Meanwhile, businesses benefit from increased customer engagement and insights into consumer preferences.

However, simply having a Wishlist isn't enough. Businesses can further leverage this feature by reminding users about their saved items and encouraging them to make a purchase. This proactive approach not only enhances user experience but also boosts conversion rates.

wishlist pandora

Pandora wishlist

Push notifications are one of the powerful tools that can be used for this purpose, thus enhancing the overall shopping experience for customers and driving sales for businesses.


  • remind about items added to the wishlist

  • encourage customers to move items from the wishlist to the cart and finalize the purchase

  • engage with subscribers by sending personalized notifications

Push automation “From the wishlist to the cart”

push automation for the wishlist

This push scenario targets subscribers who haven't added anything to their cart during their session but have instead added products to their wishlist, without completing a purchase.

The scenario can be integrated with a product feed. In this case, 24 hours after the session ends (you can adjust this timing to your preferences and needs), if the product is in stock, we send a notification containing data from the product feed (such as product image and price). This notification directs subscribers back to the site and encourages them to revisit the store's website and move products from the wishlist to the cart.

If the product happens to be out of stock, we redirect these users to sections featuring bestsellers or hot offers, for example.

Note: If there are multiple products in the wishlist, the application will select only the first one. It does not compare and select products.

The average CTR of this scenario is 15.24%. 

Handy advice

Here are some recommendations on how to optimize this push automation scenario:

1. Timing of reminders. 

Send the first reminder 24 hours after the user adds a product to their wishlist. This allows them some time to consider their options without feeling pressured. Then, if the user hasn't visited the site or made a purchase, send another reminder 48 hours later. This longer interval between reminders maintains a gentle approach, avoiding any sense of urgency.

2. A limited number of reminders. 

Limit the number of reminders in the automation sequence to avoid overwhelming subscribers. Additional reminders may become repetitive and decrease the effectiveness of the campaign.

3. An engaging copy. 

Craft engaging copy for each reminder, making them feel personalized and valuable to the subscriber. Use different messaging for the first and second reminders to keep the content fresh and interesting.

4. Product feed integration.

Integrate a product feed into the reminders to showcase the items in the wishlist directly within the notification. This provides visual reinforcement and makes it easier for subscribers to see what product is awaiting their attention. In addition, integration with the product feed helps to prevent situations where wishlist items are out of stock. By leveraging the product feed, the application can verify the availability of items and direct users to the appropriate destination.

push notification wishlisht

5. Testing and optimization. 

Continuously monitor the performance of the automation sequence and experiment with different timing, messaging, and strategies to optimize conversion rates. Regular testing allows you to refine the approach and maximize the effectiveness of the campaign.

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