Web push

31 stats about web push that every marketer should know

Last updated - July 26 2024 3:19 PM
Joanna Worotyńska
Reading time - 5 min
Web push

31 stats about web push that every marketer should know

Last updated - July 26, 2024
author push notification Joanna Worotyńska
5 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

The results of the latest Gartner survey show that those responsible for purchasing new marketing tools and services are increasingly skeptical of the promises made to them by various sales people. Real data is often included in the offers they see, which allows them to make much more objective data-driven decisions.

You may have had a similar experience yourself.

That is why, based on over 50 billion notifications sent, we’ve put together 31 statistics on web push notifications necessary for every marketer.

test web push

Test web push - for free!

The collected data will help you to:

  • assess whether web push notifications are a channel with potential for your company,

  • convince the boss that it is worth investing in web push. 

Let’s take a look! 

Read also:

Should you use web push notifications?

A checklist for choosing the best application for web push notifications

The marketers' challenges & web push

1.12 seconds - the attention span of an average internet user in 2000. It is only 4 seconds more than a goldfish (Microsoft Canada). Currently, it is only 8 seconds. This is one of the reasons why small advertising formats, such as web push notifications, achieve the highest CTRs. Simply interpreting them requires less effort - one look is enough to assess whether such a message deserves a click.

2. 3 million blog posts are published every day (Hosting Facts).

3. 34 gigabytes - the amount of information processed every day by the average person. That’s about 105,000 words (University of California-San Diego).

4. 615 million devices use ad blockers (Pagefair). Neither AdBlock nor other similar tools have any effect on the delivery of web push.

5. 80% of those online use a smartphone and will open marketing messages (Smart Insights). This shows why most web push subscribers sign up from mobile devices.

average CTR

Do web push notifications work?

6. From 5% to 25% - the sign-up rate among site visitors for web push notifications (PushPushGo 2019).

7. 60% of web push subscribers sign up from the browser in their phones (PushPushGo 2019).

8. Only 30% of subscribers sign up from a desktop and 10% with a tablet (PushPushGo 2019).

9. 600% - the growth in sign-ups for web push after implementing single opt-in (one-click sign-ups) (PushPushGo 2019).

10. December and July - the months when most new subscribers sign up (PushPushGo 2019).

11. 0.1% of web push subscribers resign after receiving a notification (PushPushGo 2019).

12. 12% overall CTR for sent web push campaigns (PushPushGo 2019).

13. Up to 15% - increase in CTR using automated web push campaigns (PushPushGo 2019).

14. 3% higher CTR with rich push notifications (with large graphics) (PushPushGo 2019).

15. An average of 16% - CTR for campaigns aimed at abandoned carts (PushPushGo 2019).

16. 13% - CTR of web push notifications sent to subscribers after a long absence from your site (PushPushGo 2019).

17. 13% CTR for web push automation campaigns that focus on recently-viewed items (PushPushGo 2019).

18. The highest CTR levels are reached by web push campaigns sent on Wednesdays and weekends (PushPushGo 2019).

19. An average of 80% - deliverability of web push notifications (PushPushGo 2019).

20. 35 euro profit - that’s how much investing 1 euro in web push marketing can bring, creating an ROI of 3500%. (PushPushGo 2019).

21. 80% - the market reach of web push notifications (PushPushGo 2019). They have reach through the browsers that support web push: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera.

22. 5 minutes - how long it takes to create an effective marketing web push strategy (PushPushGo 2019).

23. 1 hour - the time from sending required to reach about 50% of all clicks in an average web push campaign (PushPushGo 2019).

24. 1 day - the time you need to start using the full functionality of integrated web push automation with the help of the PushPushGo team.

25. 20% - increase in the number of returning Facebook users after implementing web push notifications (Chrome Dev Summit 2015).

Who uses web push notifications?

26. 85% of online stores and a wide range of other e-commerce operations use web push notifications in their business (PushPushGo 2019).

27. 9% of publishers increase traffic with the use of web push (PushPushGo 2019).

28. 4% of the travel industry uses web push as a tool to drive online sales (PushPushGo 2019).

industry distribution

Web push vs. newsletters

28. At least twice as many people sign up for web push notifications compared to a newsletter (Sumo, PushPushGo 2019).

29. Only 10% of the best email marketers can achieve a newsletter sign-up rate that matches the performance of web push (Sumo, PushPushGo 2019).

30. At least twice as low - The CTR of email marketing compared to web push notifications (Criteo, PushPushGo 2019).

31. 6.4 hours - the average time that passes before the recipient opens a newsletter that got buried among other messages (Zipstripe). In the case of web push, the recipient will see the message immediately after sending, regardless of which website he is currently browsing.


Remember that you can always consult our support, who will prepare a tailor-made web push strategy for you. Just write to us at support@pushpushgo.com!

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Joanna Worotyńska

Co-owner & CMO @ PushPushGo

Web push marketing evangelist. Dynamic PR and employer branding enthusiast and communication manager with knowledge and experience of many industries. Fan a new media and online communities.

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