Web push

FCM changes in push notifications

Last updated - September 12 2023 10:37 AM
Aleksandra Kozioł
Reading time - 2 min
Web push

FCM changes in push notifications

Last updated - September 12, 2023
author push notification Aleksandra Kozioł
2 min Read
push communication and marketing tips

Google has just announced changes in FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging), bringing higher security and better performance. What does it mean for push notifications services?

FCM and push notifications

FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) is a cross-platform messaging solution created by Google. it's a part of their Firebase set of tools for websites and online services. FCM allows you to send push messages across platforms and operating systems, like Android and iOS. 

Developers integrate FCM into their applications using the provided SDKs and APIs. These SDKs handle the complexities of sending messages to different platforms and devices, allowing developers to focus on creating engaging user experiences.

Changes in FCM API

Firebase announced the deprecation of legacy Firebase Cloud Messaging APIs. It's the beginning of a process that will end with their total termination in June 2024. Among the affected APIs there are:

Server API

  • Legacy HTTP Protocol

  • Legacy XMPP Protocol

  • Instance ID Server APIs

  • Device Management API

  • Upstream Messaging via XMPP

  • Batch Send API

Firebase Admin SDK API

  • sendToDevice()

  • sendToDeviceGroup()

  • sendAll()/sendAllAsync()/send_all()/sendMulticast()/SendMulticastAsync()/send_multicast()

Client SDK


  • JS SDKs (older than v. from 2019)

The apps using old APIs have a year to switch to new HTTP v1 API to get:

  • continuous support

  • better safety

  • efficient tools to customizing cross-platform messages

  • extendable and future-proof for new client platform versions

Read more on the Firebase website.

FCM and PushPushGo

With the Firebase roadmap officially declared, we'll be moving our old endpoints to the new FCM API version to prepare everything for the upcoming FCM legacy API termination. 

We're preparing a roadmap for Q4 2023/Q1 2024 to organize everything for our mobile push clients and those using their own FCM provider. We'll prepare suitable instructions for everybody in time for the changes.

if you want to learn more about the changes and our plans, contact us at hello@pushpushgo.com

author photo
Aleksandra Kozioł

Content Specialist @PushPushGo

Editor and writer. She is interested in media and new technologies. 

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