Frequently asked questions
What events are sent from PushPushGo to Google Analytics?

The following events are sent to Google Analytics with PushPushGo:

  • Display of the sign-up form

  • Clicking the notification blocking button on the subscription form

  • Clicking the button to subscribe to notifications on the subscription form

  • Clicking the bell icon on the widget

  • Clicking the subscribe button on the widget

  • Clicking the button to disable notifications on the widget

enum GaEvent {

SUBSCRIBE = ‘subscribe’,

DENY = ‘deny’,

UNSUBSCRIBE = ‘unsubscribe’,

CLICK = ‘click’,

SHOW = ‘show’,


Below is a GA screen of one of our clients with the division of sent events into a form and a widget.


* the word "fab" visible on the screen above is the name of our bell widget displayed in Google Analytics

The events sent by the PushPushGo script are non-interactional events.

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