Online marketing insights

How push notifications can shape Black Friday shopping experiences

Last updated - September 24 2024 12:21 AM
Aleksandra Kozioł
Reading time - 7 min
Online marketing insights

How push notifications can shape Black Friday shopping experiences

Last updated - September 24, 2024
author push notification Aleksandra Kozioł
7 min Read
push communication and marketing tips ©MART PRODUCTION from Pexels via Canva Pro

Black Friday marks the busiest time of the year for retailers around the world. But it’s worth noting that savvy customers don’t necessarily wait for the day after the American Thanksgiving to begin their shopping spree. Black Week has been transformed into Black Week or even Black Month. Stores start preparing for the occasion as soon as they’re done with back-to-school season, pivoting slightly to display their Halloween decorations and pumpkin themes. 

Timing is everything, so let’s set you up for a Black Friday season. 

black friday marketing ideas - upcoming deals

Image source: Canva Pro

Why is Black Friday so important? 

The tradition of Black Friday sales isn’t as long as some might think. The name Black Friday came into being around the 1960s but became a staple of high sales two decades later. In the beginning, it was supposed to mean that after this particular time of the year, retailers were „in the black”, making a profit and balancing the books. After a while, it became synonymous with the exuberant shopping sprees and low prices.

The customers loved it - and they adore it more every year, judging by the numbers. Every year marks a new record for Black Friday sales volume and income. 

black friday marketing tactic to engage customers

Source: Adobe Analytics

What other numbers are there to know before setting up your Black Friday sales? 

The perfect Black Friday deal

Knowing how much is at stake, let’s examine the most important aspects of Black Friday deals that are irresistible to customers. What are the key elements to boost customer satisfaction?

black friday marketing tactic to aquire new customers

Source: Finances Online

Early start to Black Friday

Retailers have been starting their Black Friday promotions earlier each year. This trend, often referred to as "Black November," involves offering deals and discounts well in advance of the actual Black Friday date.

Increased emphasis on online shopping

The shift towards e-commerce has been accelerating, and this was particularly evident during Black Friday. More consumers are choosing to shop online rather than in physical stores.

Mobile shopping dominance

Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have become the preferred platforms for online shopping, not only on Black Friday. Online retailers have been focusing on optimizing their websites and apps for mobile users.

mobile friendly website - ecommerce store traffic share

Source: Dynamic Yield

In August, 76% of visitors to eCommerce sites came from mobile, a 1% increase compared to July. Over the past year, mobile has made up 74.83% of all traffic, while desktop contributed 23.67%, and tablets 1.5%.

Personalization and targeted marketing

Online retailers have been leveraging data and analytics to provide personalized shopping experiences. This includes tailored product recommendations, personalized offers, and targeted marketing campaigns for their Black Friday strategies and beyond.

Curbside pickup and Buy Online, Pickup In-Store (BOPIS)

Retailers have been offering options like curbside pickup and BOPIS to accommodate consumers who prefer to minimize in-store visits for some time now. The trend remains popular among Black Friday shoppers who prefer to avoid overcrowded stores.

Hassle-free return policies

With the increased volume of goods bought, customers are looking for a simple, flexible way to return the products that don’t meet their expectations in real life. 

Extended Black Friday sales periods

Instead of focusing solely on Black Friday, many retailers have extended their sales events across several days or even weeks. This allows for a more flexible shopping experience.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and chatbots

AI-powered technologies, such as chatbots, have been used to enhance customer service and support during Black Friday's high-demand period.

Economical obstacles to your perfect Black Friday strategy

If the list makes it sound easy, we’ve got some warnings for you. While planning your Black Friday strategy, you have to take some worrying trends into account. 

Every year, the back-to-school period serves as a sort of customer behavior test ahead of Black Friday. It’s the second busiest time of the year for commerce. And in 2024, there were some interesting trends to note. As we have noted in our back-to-school article:

  • Customer loyalties are less important than value offers - and the value of an offer includes free shipping and easy returns, as well as flexible payment options.

  • The sooner you start, the better - customers begin looking for the best back-to-school deals as soon as the end of July. Similarly, the Black Friday period can start as early as October.

  • Overall, customers become more savvy, putting more thought into their spending, and surveying the products across a wider range of platforms and websites before Black Friday. 

black friday marketing ideas

Loyal customers may come back on Black Friday

Black Friday is all about low prices. Customer loyalty isn’t as important as getting the best possible deals. That’s why ensuring your returning clients consider you their prime shopping place is so important. With the right hook, you can ensure they’ll remember you as their go-to place for Black Friday shopping. 

That’s why you need push notifications on your website and in your mobile app. 

black friday campaign - mobile push notifications for holiday shopping season
  • Mass and targeted push campaigns are easy to prepare and can send your subscribers directly to your Black Friday special offers. 

  • Push notifications can also serve as an important reminder about special bonuses you offer, like free shipping, special return options, or payment methods. 

  • Automation scenarios boost sales by directing your subscribers back to last-seen offers, abandoned carts, products that are back in stock, or offers with price drops. 

We’ve prepared many use cases for you to get inspired - not only during the Black Friday period. You can find them here

Push notifications for Black Friday - how to get ready?

As September draws to a close, you should already have your push notifications set up and subscriber base growing before Black Friday. As you gather more website users who are willing to stay in touch, you can choose from a variety of opt-in forms: one-step, two-step, or through a widget. Your mobile app users can choose to subscribe as soon as they download the application but feel free to remind them about push notifications once in a while. Emphasize the benefits of rapid messages for Black Friday and getting the best deals instantly.

In October, you’ll probably have your Black Friday strategy - both for sales and marketing - up and running. If you’ve already prepared your Black Friday omnichannel communication, there’s not much to worry about. 

You can use the planner to schedule your messages. Just make sure you prepare your targeting and segmentation options. If you make any changes to your website or app, some of the targeting options may be disabled. This will affect automation scenarios and segments of your subscribers. 

This may be the time to introduce and test product feed within your targeting options. This will further enhance your options to better personalize the communication with your push scenarios.

Decide which activities you want to track and set up your automation scenarios for Black Friday and beyond. Give yourself some time to analyze their results and focus on the ones best suited for your needs. 

October and November are also the best months to conduct AB tests of your push notifications. In PushPushGo, you can gather more insights and prepare better campaigns. Test:

  • Tone of voice

  • Hours and days of sending

  • Call to action and language in your messages

  • Images in push notifications

As a rule of thumb, testing one parameter at a time is better. This will show you the exact aspect that improves CTR ratings without the guesswork and choosing between several changes.

When all is ready, you can sit back and watch the results. Remember, nothing is set in stone. You can course-correct at any time. 

Push notifications and the post-purchase experience

The post-purchase phase is crucial in shaping customer loyalty and encouraging future purchases. Push notifications can play a vital role in enhancing this experience, ensuring that customers feel valued and informed even after completing their Black Friday purchases.

Inform about shipping and returns

Keeping customers informed about their order status is another key aspect of the post-purchase experience. Use push notifications to provide real-time updates about shipping, delivery dates, and tracking information.

transactional push notifications for online store - mobile optimization

Additionally, communicating your hassle-free return policies, offering free shipping and smooth shopping experience, reassures customers that they can shop with confidence. This transparency can greatly enhance customer satisfaction and encourage loyal customers to engage with your brand again.

Offer exclusive deals and post-purchase discounts

After a customer completes a purchase, send them a push notification with an exclusive discount for their next order. This not only encourages repeat business but also makes customers feel appreciated and valued.

Encourage feedback

Engaging customers post-purchase is essential for building a long-lasting relationship. Utilize push notifications to encourage customers to leave reviews or provide feedback on their recent experiences. This tactic provides valuable insights for your Black Friday marketing strategies. Positive reviews can further enhance your brand’s credibility and attract new customers during the holiday shopping season.

Black Friday success is in your hands

Planeta Sport didn’t hold back when they prepared their 2023 Black Friday communication. The best push notification of the day achieved a CTR of 4.49% - a really impressive number for a mass campaign. 

black friday marketing campaigns black friday campaigns

Things to notice:

  • Emphasizing the free shipping as a benefit

  • Clearly specifying the discounts using percentages

Learn more about last year’s Black Friday push performance in our case study.

Summing up the advantages of push notifications in Black Friday marketing strategies

Build anticipation for holiday sales
One of the best ways to maximize the impact of push notifications is to build anticipation. You can remind customers about upcoming promotions, exclusive offers, or early-bird access to deals, helping to keep your brand top of mind. By using data like purchase history, businesses can encourage customers with personalized recommendations, making the shopping experience more relevant and attractive.

Keeping your brand on your customers' radar is especially important as data shows that intentional shoppers are investing more time in research, with 60% of consumers taking six or more steps before choosing a brand or product to purchase.

Attract and retain customers
Push notifications are an effective tool for both attracting and retaining customers during Black Friday. By crafting strategic notifications with limited-time offers or reminding customers of previously viewed items, products added to their carts or wishlists businesses can create a sense of urgency. This tactic helps online stores capitalize on impulse purchases while making the most of Black Friday's online sales potential.

Boost engagement for online and brick-and-mortar stores
Push notifications offer unique advantages for both online stores and brick-and-mortar stores during major shopping events like Black Friday. For online sales, they provide a direct channel to online shoppers, reminding them of exclusive offers, abandoned carts, or the limited availability of products on their wishlists. Meanwhile, physical stores can use push notifications to encourage customers to visit specific locations for in-store deals, further enhancing the Black Friday marketing strategy for holiday sales.

Get ready for Black Friday

Black Friday - or Black Week - Cyber Monday, Holiday shopping - the peak season is upon us. We’ve prepared an ebook to help you take advantage of push notifications and their myriad of possibilities - from setting up, through preparing your messages and personalization options and executing the flawless strategy. Download our insights here

And if you feel ready to give push notifications a go, let us know:

Have a prosperous Black Friday!

author photo
Aleksandra Kozioł

Content Specialist @PushPushGo

Editor and writer. She is interested in media and new technologies. 

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